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Hurley Pro at Trestles
Date: September 6-17, 2018
Location: Trestles, California
Surfing Betting Odds: The World Surf League takes to the waves back in the United States at the Lower Trestles just off the coast of California. The Hurley Pro at Trestles is the eighth tour stop on the Samsung Galaxy Championship Tour and should be a thrilling event for bettors to follow. The Hurley Pro at Trestles kicks off on Wednesday, September 6 and concludes with the final on Sunday, September 17.
A total of 36 surfers are set to compete at the Lower Trestles this year, and they'll be cut into 12 heats of three. The winner of each heat gets a bye in the second round of the tournament, while the second and third place surfers get lumped against each other in head-to-head competition in the second stage.
The 12 winners of the second round heats will face the 12 winners from the first round heats in the third stage in knockout rounds. The surviving 12 surfers will head into the fourth round where they'll be pitted against two others. The winners from those groups of three advance straight into the quarterfinals. The second and third place finishers end up facing off in Round 5 in heads up competition for the right to go into the quarterfinals.
From there, it's a bracket style tournament to decide who will win the Hurley Pro at Trestles.
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