The old-school way to wager was placing a pregame bet and then watching to see how it shook out. The new way is to keep on betting during the game. BookMaker.eu is the world’s premier online sportsbook, and it recently unveiled a new live wagering platform.
The Live Betting Option features a continuously-updated odds platform in addition to play-by-play sports betting opportunities. This is a great way for gamblers to watch the action in real time and realize what adjustments should be made to the pregame thinking. Sometimes an underdog has a good start to a game, and if a bettor can deduce whether it is a sign of things to come or just a fluke, it will pay off extremely well. For the first time, sports bettors can make wagers on the game as the live action unfolds, and also make bets on the outcomes of play-by-play action.
The live betting platform was tested extensively in a beta phase throughout 2017, and BookMaker.eu’s software is now fully operational and available to bettors. The NFL and NCAA football seasons are in full swing, and this is a great option to use on football wagering. The NFL primetime games all have live betting capabilities, as do many of the biggest college football contests. The NBA is underway and is another solid option. There are no shortage of betting options in these games, as there are continuously updated odds for spreads, moneyline and scoring totals.
The play-by-play betting gets into the details of select football games, which will sometimes include the outcome of offensive drives from touchdown to field goal to no score. There can also be wagers on the outcome of the next play, such as a run or pass. The spread and the moneyline will shift in odds depending on the score and the situation on the field.
It’s pretty amazing to watch BookMaker.eu compute all of these betting lines in real-time. The premier sportsbook has created custom proprietary software and predictive algorithms which can produce the lines instantly. The winning funds go into a bettor’s bankroll almost as fast, as the BookMaker.eu live betting platform grades each bet within seconds after the outcome. There are so many advantages to live betting that gamblers are going to feel like they are in the stone age when they are deciding on the old-school pre-game wagering.
The shift to in-progress betting has been steady over the past 10 years, as more and more gamblers prefer it over pre-game betting. Technological advances, social media and streaming technology have all contributed to the increasing market demand. It’s easier than ever to make quick wagers, and BookMaker.eu is responding to that demand. It is the first sportsbook in the United States or internationally to launch both a truly continuous live betting platform and play-by-play betting product for American sports.
BookMaker.eu is one of the leading online sportsbooks internationally and is widely recognized by experienced bettors from Las Vegas and around the world as “Where The Line Originates.” Since 1996, BookMaker.eu has earned its reputation as one of the only sportsbooks to welcome sharp and professional betting action by never kicking out winners and always paying customers. BookMaker Sportsbook is known to sportsbook directors worldwide as one of the principle market movers in the international sports betting industry, and BookMaker.eu odds are commonly relied on by land-based sportsbooks in the United States, Europe, Australia and Asia before they post their opening odds on U.S. sporting events. BookMaker.eu is based in San Jose, Costa Rica, where online international sports betting is fully legalized; bettors are advised to know the legal status of placing sports wagers from computers in their local jurisdiction.