The most popular show HBO has ever aired will end this Sunday night. Game of Thrones diehards have had a lot to say about the final season. Most people are dissatisfied for one reason or another with the way the series is closing out, but the backlash just shows how popular this show has become over the decade. People might complain, yet they will watch the series finale this Sunday, and it could be the highest rated show in HBO history.
Who Will Rule Westeros at the End of Season Eight?
Bran Stark -110
Jon Snow +175
Sansa Stark +250
Daenerys Targaryen +400
Tyrion Lannister +600
Gendry +900
Arya Stark +1200
Jon Snow & Daenerys’ Baby +2000
Samwell Tarly +3300
Davos +5000
We lost a lot of the contenders for the Iron Throne in the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones. Euron Greyjoy, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, and others are all dead, leaving Daenerys Targaryen’s reign uncontested…for now. Even though the Breaker of Chains is set to take the Iron Throne and become the most powerful force in both Westeros and Essos, she is the fourth favorite to rule at the end of the series.
Daenerys’ actions in the last episode are likely to lead to her demise. Even though the bells were ringing in the churches throughout Kings Landing (indicating a Lannister surrender), Dany set half the city on fire, torching enemy foes and innocent civilians alike. The showrunners have set up her turn over the course of the entire series, and those actions are likely to lead to her being called the Mad Queen. I’d bet that Jon Snow or another Stark kills her before the end of the series.
Jon Snow is the second favorite, but he has never wanted the Iron Throne and seems likely to turn it down even if he is in position to take it. He has the strongest claim to rule Westeros and would be the best ruler, yet ruling has come begrudgingly to Jon, and I believe he’d demur.
Inside information seems to suggest Bran Stark will rule, as there is no real reason for him to rule otherwise. Bran is the Three-Eyed Raven and appears uninterested in most things, so I’m not quite sure why he would be the favorite to rule unless someone somewhere knew something.

Who Will be the Last Character to Speak?
Samwell Tarly +100
Jon Snow +200
Tyrion Lannister +200
Bran Stark +500
Sansa Stark +1000
Daenerys Targaryen +1200
Arya Stark +1400
Bronn +7400
Before the final season started, the odds on this prop changed considerably. Normally, that would indicate inside information, but I think there’s a good chance that inference played a huge part here.
Samwell Tarly was originally +2500 to be the final character to speak in Game of Thrones. However, there were a couple reasons to believe that those odds were considerably off. First, George R. R. Martin is a history buff, and he patterned Game of Thrones after the War of the Roses. It would make sense to tell the story like a history, and Sam is the most likely person to be chronicling everything at the end due to his position as a maester and his relationship with all the main characters.
The other big reason is the name of the show, Game of Thrones. Martin’s books have all been written as part of A Song of Ice and Fire, and Game of Thrones was the title of the first book in the series. Naming the show after the first book in the series indicates a desire from the showrunners to move things out of the magical realm, so I think it’s unlikely that characters like Bran Stark and Daenerys Targaryen would have the final words. Sam makes a lot of sense, and he is the play here.
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