2022 NFL Anytime Touchdown Props Betting

NFL Anytime Touchdown Betting

Every NFL game has numerous props available at BookMaker, and primetime games have even more. In the NFL, scoring is a major theme of many of the game props that are offered each week. Most of these props are very self-explanatory. Props include which team will score first and last, which team will score the first touchdown, which team will kick the first field goal, which team will score in the opening 7-8 minutes of the game, the Anytime Touchdown prop, etc. Additionally, there are wagers on whether the team scoring first will win the game, chances that a safety will be scored, over/under wagers on the total number of field goals and touchdowns scored, and much, much, more.

NFL Betting Lines

What is an NFL Prop?

NFL props are bets that have no bearing on the game's outcome. NFL player props are bets on particular statistical results that pertain to specific players. Instead of rooting for a certain team to win the game, or cover the spread, you will root for the particular player to succeed or fail. The growth of fantasy football and Daily Fantasy Sports competitions, which are directly related to the statistical outcomes of player performance, is one factor contributing to the ongoing interest in NFL player props.

Types of NFL Player Props

There is a wide variety of NFL player props to choose from, and the list of available markets is only growing. The following are some of the NFL player props you will see listed at BookMaker:

QB passing yards

QB completions

QB interceptions

RB rushing yards

RB rushing plus receiving yards

WR receiving yards

WR receptions

TE receiving yards

TE receptions

Touchdown markets – (first/last, anytime, 1st half, 2nd half, etc.)

Defensive player sacks

Defensive player interceptions

Defensive player tackles

Two-player head-to-head props

When you first glance at this vast selection of options, you might wonder why anyone would wager on such minute details. What compels a person to stake money on these odds and ends? The reason for this is because each wager may have advantages, and some people prefer to participate right away. For example, you might be able to predict the opening ten minutes of a game fairly accurately. You could choose to place a range of bets if the first team has a strong defense and a strong running game while the second team struggles on offense.

Anytime Touchdown

Have you ever wanted to simply bet on a player to score a touchdown in an NFL game? Or have you ever wanted to bet against a player scoring a touchdown? The Anytime Touchdown prop is available on NFL games at BookMaker.eu. There are props where you can simply choose YES or NO on a player scoring a touchdown in a game. It is rare in NFL betting that you can actually bet NO on a player to score a touchdown, but that option is available at BookMaker.

Player Props

Betting player props is one of the most common ways to wager on NFL games. For each game, there are props available for the quarterbacks of both teams, a number of receivers, and one or two running backs. If you look closely at the matchups, particularly if you have a contrarian inclination, you can find some excellent moneymakers. Quarterbacks have passing yards, completions, touchdown passes, and interceptions. When betting on quarterbacks in the same game, there is also a head-to-head option, and mobile quarterbacks will have odds available on their rushing totals. Receivers typically have receptions, receiving yards, and touchdowns while running backs have totals for their total rushing yards and touchdowns. In addition, there are odds for a player's first reception or rush and the number of yards they will be able to gain on that play.


The game's turnovers are another wagerable event. You can wager on whether a team will convert a fourth down, the total number of interceptions thrown in the game, and whether the first turnover will be a fumble or an interception. If two awful teams with bad quarterbacks are facing off, these can be some entertaining bets and a way to liven up an otherwise boring game. These kinds of wagers might also be exciting due to the weather. A game with a lot of wind or rain can be disastrous for both offenses and result in a game that is full of errors.

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