Harris Gains on Trump’s Worst Week

U.S. Presidential News for Monday, August 5, 2024

Presidential Election Betting: The late great President Ronald Reagan often said that when the Republican Party focuses on issues, it wins. But when an election is based on frivolity or personality, the Republicans lose. A great example of that wisdom comes in the form of last week’s relative performances in the campaign.

Although Donald Trump remains the betting favorite to win the 2024 US Presidential election, more money is moving toward presumptive Democrat nominee Kamala Harris. The Vice President is gaining ground in the polls, although he still trailed by .08 overall in the RealClear Politics average at the start of the week. As expected, Harris is benefiting from a shameless media that is not even trying to hide its bias in her favor. But Harris was also gifted by Trump, who wasted a lot of time on pettiness and priorities that boggle the mind.

Harris has avoided the media, though one wonders why she is afraid of her steno pool. Still, when she went off her tightly controlled script, her incoherent word salads were a reminder of the dangers ahead in the fall campaign.

2024 U.S. Presidential Election Betting Odds

U.S. 2024 Next President Elected

Kamala Harris +105 Nikki Haley +22985 Michelle Obama +25000
Donald Trump -127 Hillary Clinton +37500 Gavin Newsom +100000
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. +14029 Josh Shapiro +50123 J.D. Vance +29963

U.S. Presidential Election 2024 - Winning Party

Democratic Party +104

Republican Party -128

Other Party +15500

*Odds as of Monday, August 5, 2024

Trump’s Needless and Unforced Errors

At times, Donald Trump was on point about Kamala Harris and her blatant extremist policies. But at other times, he showed that he remains undisciplined. As was the case in his previous campaigns, Trump would take two steps back after making a big step forward.

At a rally in Georgia, the unforgiving Trump lashed out at its governor, the moderate Republican Brian Kemp. Trump remains sore about the 2020 election and what he sees as Kemp’s lack of support in pursuing voter fraud in the state. In a state that will be a close call, Trump needs to be mending fences and focus on the future. Tensions are high within the Georgia Republican Party, and Trump did not help himself with his comments about Kemp’s lack of courage and loyalty.

Trump also wasted too much time on the so-called Project 2025, which has been a boogeyman for the Democrats. Trump said it was too extreme and wanted nothing to do with it. Again, Trump injured relations with those who want to help him. Project 2025 is an independent document with several good ideas about how to handle a potential transition to a GOP president and root out the obstructive bureaucracy in the process.

However, the Democrats focused on Project 2025’s strong opposition to abortion, which Trump does not want to ally himself with. But instead of being selective, Trump threw the baby out with the bath water in a highly defensive manner, alienating loyal supporters who were trying to help.

As the saying goes, if you are on defense in politics that means the other side has the ball and is gaining.

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Harris Runs Away From Herself

Last week, Kamala Harris made desperate attempts to hide from her career of extremism. Smartly, the Trump campaign posted videos of her support for amnesty and taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal aliens, her opposition to fracking and energy development, and her welcoming of strange characters to her office and the White House. Additionally, she is trying to pander to voters as being a black woman instead of her actual heritage of being Jamaican-Indian. Last week, videos were posted showing Harris claiming to be Jamaican and Indiana rather than black.

Harris is trying to execute a play-action fake on low-information voters and may successfully pull it off. She certainly is getting free advertising from “news” media that is serving as her sock puppets.

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